Tag Archives: trauma

above water.


i first crossed paths

with this brave and amazing future author (trish kearney)

years ago on her blog:

“my thoughts on a page”


where she wrote about

her family, her careers, her loves and losses, her daily life in ireland

when i later traveled to ireland

we met in person

(even though her children warned her i might really be a male serial killer)

we spent a great afternoon at an outdoor pub

near the water on a beautiful day

getting to know each other

i had no idea what her whole story was

until she began writing posts about her childhood

 floating the idea of writing her memoir

including painful buried trauma she had endured

as a young championship swimmer

over time she gained confidence

decided to tell her story

to find personal peace

to hold her tormentor responsible

to no longer be a victim

to help others who might not be ready to speak.

what followed was

her book, “above water”

a podcast, “where is george gibney?”

and unforeseen consequences

both good and bad.

this is a book of truths

of regaining power over one’s own life

of bravery

of survival

 of living to tell the tale

of an unbroken spirit

of healing

of helping others.

i give it my highest personal recommendation

here’s to you, tric, and to all who suffer in silence

you are their brave voice for each and every one of them

and i’m so proud to call you my friend.

“you don’t drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.”

-Edwin Louis Cole 


“above water” is available at:

the book depository (paperback – free worldwide shipping)



amazon u.s. – kindle format (and on june 21 (presale) in paperback) in the u.s.

amazon uk – available now



Not an easy read but an essential one … an important book that celebrates the power of the human spirit―Irish Independent

A completely compelling book … this is ultimately a story of Trish Kearney’s triumph―Irish Times

Trish Kearney’s memoir is proof that the powerless and betrayed can survive and triumph―Sunday Independent

An extraordinary story, at times heart-breaking but ultimately inspiring. Trish’s courage, her determination and her warmth light up those dark secret places―Woman’s Way

A powerful story beautifully told―Irish Examiner

Inspirational―Sunday Business Post

About the Author

Trish Kearney is a writer and mother of five living in Cork, Ireland. Her weekly ‘It’s My Life’ column ran in the Irish Examiner for over two years. She also has a popular blog, ‘My Thoughts on a Page’ and was awarded Best Personal Blog and Best Writer at the Irish Parenting Blog Awards in 2015.
Above Water is her first book.