Do you ever wonder?


Finally back on American soil after a long and crazy journey home. One last layover and one last flight and I will be home. Along the way, I realized it was my wonder and amazement with people and their choices that kept me smiling. A random sampling for your reading pleasure:

A. My Aussie seat-mate of many hours and ultimate gentleman, who jumped over the back of our seats, so as not to wake me when he got up.

B. The woman who chose to wear a cow costume without a head, but with a pretty blue hair bow instead, who shared the line with me in customs.

C.  The mysterious woman who left her ample bra hanging in my airport restroom. I long to know her story.

My sincere thanks to all above, and many more, who made my travel adventure so much more entertaining.


33 responses »

  1. Glad to hear you made it back! The airline probably lost “cow lady’s” luggage and she was forced to wear the costume she wore to a dairy fair….or she was being held at gun point….or she was part of a tv show that offered her $1,000,000 if she took a flight in a cow costume. She couldn’t possibly have been wearing this on her own accord….could she??!!


    • she seemed to be quite unruffled and acting quite normally, too bad customs wouldn’t allow photos. i can only imagine trying to get out of a ‘photographing a cow woman in line’ charge. i’m sure it’s one thing they look out for. )


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