a sister is both your mirror – and your opposite. – e. fishel



beth and pam


room mates

best friends



was gone

way too early



was left behind

way too early



missing the other

on her birthday

in french you don’t really say, “i miss you.”

you say, “tu me manques,” which is closer to

“you are missing from me.”

i love that.

“you are missing from me.”

you are a part of me.

yes, that is it.

– author unknown

94 responses »

  1. So sorry for your loss Beth. In Irish we don’t say ‘Rest in peace’ we say ‘Codladh Sámh’. (Cula sawve), which literally means ‘sleep softly’.
    Codladh Sámh Pam, and happy birthday.


  2. Condolences on your loss but also how wonderful your memories. I never had a sister. My three daughters apparently are unaware of Fishels’ sentiments as of yet :/ As young adults they have very push-me pull-me relationships still.

    And that is one of my all time favorite sayings in French. (hugs) I hope your day is lighter today.


  3. Such true words. It is such a beautiful relationship to have. I used to fight a lot with my sister but now we don’t anymore.
    Loved the french perspective of “i miss you”.


  4. “You are missing from me” is perfect, Beth. Both of my sisters are missing from me — 14 years ago and 5 years ago. These milestones are hard.

    So sorry that you are in this club.


  5. I missed this post … But thankful that I caught this. I enjoyed reading the replies of your readers. I have mentioned to you before, that I appreciate the theme of story you bring to the blog and to your readers. This, again, is story … powerful story … I continue to hope that loss can be redemptive, but even so, the pain of missing your friend and your sister doesn’t really fade, I’m guessing.


  6. No brothers or sisters for me and parents moved away from extended family was I was 5. I had to create my own little private world to survive. Then I enjoyed it as no one could invade it or even visit it and that seemed empowering. It was mine and its contents could not be taken and certainly designed to my own liking unlike our oppression in the real world. Even now I can shift into alternative realities. The degree of isolation that comes with not having siblings actually has brought me to a far more expanded universe. Probably lead to sophisticated levels of creativity in adulthood.

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