detroit renaissance.



on a downtown detroit day


beautiful little gems 

in so many

unexpected places

buoying our hopes

for a city

that has not given up

and is beginning

to thrive once again

in spite of


that once seemed


“there is no power for change greater

than a community discovering what it cares about.”

– margaret j. wheatley

47 responses »

  1. Two thoughts: First, “Yes!” magazine, Winter, 2015, includes Detroit in its “6 Cities Designing for Health,” by Anna Clark. This magazine is a relatively new find. I highly recommend this magazine as a source of inspiration for anyone interested in creative, locally based, and forward-going initiatives for change. This issue also has interesting articles on the influence of nutrition and social contacts on psychological and physical health.

    Second: The recent story about lead poisoning in Flint, MI, worries me, because I believe lead is a far greater threat nationwide than anyone cares to know. I’ve been looking into local (Savannah) buildup of environmental toxins, and it’s not a pretty sight. Also, one of the Flint researchers commented lead levels were higher there than anyplace he’d researched except Washington DC. There was no further information, but lead can cause severe, permanent, neurological, psychiatric, and other problems in children, especially, but also in adults. It makes me wonder if that’s what’s wrong with the federal government. I have a vague memory of hearing that the Roman Empire eventually collapsed partly because of poisoning from lead pipes.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Indeed they did drop the ball. I’ve always claimed public works is any government’s primary responsibility, because it benefits rich and poor equally. Water and sewage integrity are essential to public health, as you know. Also, public safety hazards on public land are shameful, yet local governments can’t seem to find the money to maintain what they already have.

        Environmental toxins are building up far faster than greenhouse gases, in my opinion, and will do more damage to all life than CO2 and methane, which are part of the natural life cycle.

        Liked by 1 person

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