so much.



*(luckily i caught this very important instruction just in the nick of time)


“everybody gets so much information all day long

that they lose their common sense.”

– gertrude stein 

67 responses »

  1. Beth, you nailed it – luckily G.Stein has common sense for all of us so badly lacking in that department 😉
    One of the ‚craziest‘ things when living in England were those amni-present yellow signs saying Slippery When Wet – they were everywhere; in front of shops, of toilets, out in the street – all fearing the next Taking to Court….. NO COMMON SENSE whatsoever 😉

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Don’t you just love it when your food is condensing to you!?! “Food will be hot”; “Plastic bag is not a toy”; “Remove from paper container before placing in oven or on grill.”

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Uh-huh….uh-huh…. Now try telling people not to eat cookie dough before baking. Good luck with that! 🙂

    Me: You shouldn’t eat raw cookie dough. It has eggs in it. It’s not safe.
    My wife: Yeah, and you shouldn’t eat gas station hot dogs. You don’t know what is in them or how old they really are.
    Me. Touche’.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. True story: Just a few minutes ago I microwaved my lunch and bit into the chicken nugget only to realize, mid-bite, that it wasn’t a pre-cooked chicken nugget and that I was thus eating chicken sushi. So you see? These instructions really are necessary for some of us. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. “everybody gets so much information all day long

    that they lose their common sense.”

    – gertrude stein

    Yes I so agree! … and if they don’t get instructions they blame you for getting it wrong…”oh I haven’t been told” is the answer. Thinking is going out of fashion!

    Liked by 1 person

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