grounds on the ground.


when the coffee falls

right as everything is ready

water boiled

waiting to be poured

about to brew 

soon to be sipped

it becomes precious

 so you laugh or cry or both.



“The coffee was never served. It boiled over, spattered them all,

and wet a costly tablecloth and the baroness’s dress.

But it served the end that was desired for it gave rise to many jests and merry peals of laughter.”

― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

72 responses »

  1. Wow, Beth, this one hits close to home. I started out crying for the lost brown brew. It only became funny when I viewed it in the past with a fresh cup in hand. I guess even my funny bone needs some caffeine to get its day started. Well written!

    Liked by 1 person

    • yes, i think it suddenly became so precious because of being quarantined, not a. huge issue in the scheme of things, and laughing at how dramatic i was about it, made it even funnier.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. have a pearly, merry peal of laughter from me – we ‘tested’ several sorts of coffees today (yes, absolutely) as our local shop had a one day 40% reduction on certain capsules (for Nespresso machines), so your post – once again – matches in some ways my morning too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I shook out the last of my starbucks this morning.. I have another bag..Dunkin..not as yummy… but it’s the filters I have started worrying about as my stack is pretty low..never really gave much thought to filters before this..hopefully people haven’t been using them instead of- you know- other stuff that’s still not in stock anywhere.. 🤔

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beth, coffee spilling just as the water screams ready, in my eyes is the stuff of a horror story! Some might call me a coffee addict, perhaps so but nonetheless I really appreciate all that the coffee grain provides. From taste, to smell, to mental acuity and the ability to stay on task for much longer than without its presence. This short vignette made me gasp and I am going now to make sure my coffee jar is in a secure place.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. I did my last shopping for the next two weeks minimum…here in Los Angeles they have asked us NOT to go out unless we have to – so I made sure to have 6 packs of coffee because some things are essential!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. life is all about the moment after – spilt milk, grounds down, stubbed toes and even a surprise. If we practice remembering to laugh amidst the tears I think that’s what’s called a survival skill. (I’ve been known to pick the dog hairs out of something on the floor that was going to be cooked, if I really felt I needed it!)
    Thanks for the giggle.

    Liked by 1 person

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