

the playground sits


awaiting the return

of the children. 


“it is very strange that the years teach us patience —

that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting.”

-e. taylor, A Wreath of Roses

48 responses »

  1. Excellent quote! We have two playgrounds right to our patio. There are the occasional parents with their kids. But only EVER one family at any time…. Can’t wait to see them again in hoards.

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  2. Taking my daughter to the swings was one of my favourite daddy/daughter activities and probably the most difficult thing I’ve had to give up. Which also makes me realise I’m probably very lucky compared to a lot of people. Still I always get a little more melancholic when I walk past the empty playground on the way to the shop.

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  3. I think, at my age, the phrase “this too shall pass” is most appropriate. My thoughts are with the young parents and others who are feeling stressed and what that might mean for families who don’t have a playground release.

    Liked by 1 person

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