little ponies.


with the return of the beautiful weather

it seemed like a good time

to also return to shorter pants and smooth legs 

in my enthusiastic state

no need for directions

no need for glasses

i quickly replaced the blade cartridge in my razor

tried it, and nothing. 

looked more closely and realized 

i had put it on upside down

so rather than

fixing it and turning it the right way

my go-to move

was to go in the opposite direction

shaving from ankle to knee

with great results


i noticed some blood

apparently this technique

is not quite as efficient and gentle

as i had imagined

then there was even more blood

and more


i had my little pony bandaids at the ready

patched up all my places that needed patching

 set off for my walk

thanks, ponies 

luckily i am not a barber.



“education is when you read the fine print. experience is what you get if you don’t.”

-pete seeger


“just because I’m a lady doesn’t mean that I cannot handle myself in a sticky situation.”

– Rarity the Little Pony from the “Dog and Pony Episode”


52 responses »

  1. This post made me smile. I have done somethings “bass akwards” with undesirable results. I was ggrinning the whole time I read this, because of all the times I have done something like this. Good to know I am not alone. Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh! Those bandages!!! Earlier today, I somehow managed to break a bowl in two and send one half flying so that the flying half tore my wrist. I hoped we’d have delightful bandages such as these (the best! I still have some of my old MLP dolls, in addition to a few of the newer ones ;). Alas, standard-issue it was!

    Still, glad to know these are out there, and that they were there when you needed them. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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