

so much going on

if nothing else

you might never need

to shop anywhere else

so many options

none really appeal to me

maybe because i’m in the

‘& everybody else’ category

maybe it’s something else.


“marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.”

~ david packard

49 responses »

  1. That must be a blast (offering) from the past. Or are you living so far off ‘normal’, 20th century living that NOWADAYS such panels are still ‘allowed’ to be shown? This looks like something we would have (just) possibly seen in the sleepy seatown in Southern England when we lived there in the ‘90/00’. A place we called Gods Waiting Room because everybody with no job or much time was there, sitting along the shore, tanning in the kind sunshine, their fish&chips or sandwich in hand, letting the days go by….. but it WAS idyllic 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • oh it’s real and it’s open, and only about 25 miles from me. as I drove by I was so surprised, I turned around and my grandson took the pic for me, both grandsons were as surprised as I was to come across it.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. If it helps, Beth, I have been a man lost of my life and there is little offered on the sign that interests me either, so maybe it is not you being the “everybody else”. I absolutely love that quote and am looking forward to my opportunity to use it during one of our marketing meetings….😁

    Liked by 3 people

  3. The thing that caught my attention on that sign was “beer mirrors.” I’ve never seen an ad for that before. It reminded me of one of my buddies from our college days who collected those things. He took such pride in them, and in each room of his apartment, they were displayed prominently—to each their own.

    Liked by 2 people

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