dark side of the moon.



in total darkness

 absolute silence

very slowly

one by one



pinpoints of light 

pierced the air

  sitting in my seat 

48 years ago

in detroit

pink floyd

unfolded their new album

dark side of the moon 

right before my eyes and ears

in real time

playing full out

the crowd


just taking it all in


then roaring in appreciation

one of my most memorable live concert experiences ever.


“it was like being in the eye of a hurricane. you’d wake up in a concert and think – wow how did i get here?”

-john lennon


48 years ago Pink Floyd released Dark Side of the Moon.

It remained in the US charts from 1973 to 1988, longer than any other album in history.


album cover photo: harvest records

78 responses »

  1. What an amazing story! Wow!! I had no idea Dark Side of The Moon was on the charts for that long. Happy Birthday to David Gilmour today too! I saw them in concert in high school on one of their farewell tours in Toronto. Amazing show.

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