

met my dear friend at a recently reopened local diner

for breakfast and a long overdue catch-up

mid-breakfast she noticed the variety of cups they used

all from other sources

mine was covered with the logo of an alcoholic beverage

hers bore the name of a blood pressure/heart medication

luck of the draw, kind of like a fortune cookie

can make or break your whole day

we had a great laugh and talked about

how we both choose our morning mugs for coffee depending on our moods and needs

each morning we seek out and grab, without much conscious thought, the mug we need to start that day

do we reach for –

the inspirational-phrased mug, the heavy mug, the ego-boosting mug, the gift mug, sentimental mug, the deep thought mug, the light as a feather delicate china mug with the flora or fauna, art mug, clean mug, favorite place mug, photo mug, travel mug, joke mug, big mug, little mug, ironic mug, two-hands needed mug, favorite color – shape – size, ceramic, plastic, paper, metal, glass, unbreakable mug?

i knew we were friends for a reason.

“i have a mug that actually verifies that i’m the world’s best dad.

that’s a mug. that’s not me talking.

you can’t just buy those.”

-stephen colbert

75 responses »

  1. That diner sounds like my place. I do not have two mugs that are alike and visitors get a random draw. But I love the fortune cookie analogy. Here is an idea. We start a company that makes mugs that look the same and are printed with heat responsive inks on the exterior. Unfilled they are exactly alike. Your mug will have some phrase, but you won’t know what it says until it is filled with coffee. Then, surprise….your thought for the day.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Yes, Beth, the home morning coffee mug is quite important to my life, too. 1. Must be as nearly as big as my head so I don’t have to refill it much. 2. Must bear a catchy logo/phrase combo from a place vacationed at by my dear wife Karen and myself.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hehe Stephen Colbert 🤭🤭 I definitely have mugs to match my moods and where I get my coffee lol my favourite is one a black mug that says, “Got books?” and a close second is, “current mood: nope” 😭😅

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love that this diner uses all sorts of mugs. I, at one time, dreamed of opening a teahouse and would have used a different teapot for each table… so I had a heckuva collection at one time in preparation.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I always go for the biggest mug. It’s not only because I’m greedy. It’s because when I make my coffee with my little one-cup plunger, it needs a big mug to fit the right amount of milk in. I only have one coffee a day and that one cup dictates my mug for the whole day. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I own over 15 mugs that are just mine and I always choose something based on my mood. A lot of them are fandom ones though…

    I have my eyes on so many more mugs though. There was one I saw at Chapters that read “Everything is just peachy” and I want it just so I can usr it for every time I feel bitter about work 😂.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. That’s funny, Beth. I tend to use my crazy cat lady mug most days, the other cat mug on occasion, and the Star Trek mug when my mind is off in space. Mostly, though, I want a mug that holds a log of liquid. It’s important to my mood how much caffeine it will hold.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. My favorite one started as a passive/aggressive pencil mug at work — “The greatest oak was once a little nut that held its ground.” It must be at least 30 years old now. I never put it into coffee rotation for fear it would get broken with constant use.


  9. I hate ugly mugs. I give them away – or put pencils etc in them. Or break them…. I have some favourite ones, they MUST be large!
    And S.Colbert is one of my favourite persons on Y.Tube!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m such a mug collector (read: hoarder) it’s impossible to choose. Usually, I pick the one that holds the amount of caffeine equivalent to the lightness of my morning mood. Shame I’ve got no 32 ounce mugs…haha!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh, I love this! I have my favorite mugs from children, a quaint mug that looks Scandinavian, a favorite illustrators Hector Fox mug, a Kandinsky mug…. There are many, and I always pick one that’s the mood for the day. I must get a Starry Night mug!

    Liked by 2 people

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