

4 of the 6-pack taking their turn in group charades.

6 of the 6-pack will have different memories of thanksgiving.


“it’s like your children talking about holidays,

you find they have quite a different memory of it from you.

perhaps everything is not how it is, 

but how it is remembered.”

-denis norden

49 responses »

      • This is on my heart to share ~I suffered a traumatic brain injury from a motorcycle accident. Coupled with genetic issues and another head injury I was told I wouldn’t remember. My balance and depth perception took quite a hit. My memory was not good for quite a while. It forced me out of a career in education that was my life. Special education is my background. I work with disabled adults and will one day take over with my 26 year old niece with C.P. that my parents have raised (they need my help as my older sister is disabled). I began my blog to help me with my healing…and to remember. My adult sons have reminded me of things that have come back like a fresh freight train of fun. I will sometimes just sit and cry at what comes back to me. My fondest memories were of the Finley River. After being in my RV for four years to heal and have little to take care of, I bought this little home I’m in now just a year ago. It has been challenging with deciding to write a kid’s book. But it was those around me, sharing memories just like your precious ones above, that allowed me to seek out a part of my subconscious I was told wouldn’t be there. Our perceptions are different. And it’s convenient to forget the bad things~the relationships that wouldn’t last with health issues, the job, the nights of despair, and the times I had to say “get over it, Karla!” To see your post, “remembered” makes me smile. I’m going to spend the rest of my life striving to remember. And even if I can’t (I left my neurologist’s office after hearing “early onset dementia”), my loved ones will do it for me. 💛🙏🏻

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