slip ‘n slide.


in this heat wave

thinking back to the time

when i decided to

slip ‘n slide with my daughters

waited my turn

zoomed up to it

head first, arms ahead

ready to slide for miles

balked at the last second

backside first, head followed

slammin’ instead of slidin’

 didn’t end up cooled down and filled with joy

did end up concussed and filled with regrets.

“you always say, ‘i’ll quit when i start to slide,’ and then one morning you wake up and realize you’ve done slid.”

-sugar ray robinson (american professional boxing champion)


77 responses »

  1. Oh my goodness! All our great intentions (like mine on Sunday when I was going to make like a young ‘un and step on the stones on the edge of the lake. Yeah, well… my hand and butt are now nicely bruised, thank you very much!)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. There’s an annual footrace in Boulder and the route goes by a house where the owner always sets up a giant slip-n-slide for the runners to cool off in. Don’t know how they manage to do that and then get up and keep running.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This brought back a memory 1994? — waterslide in Switzerland. I couldn’t understand the directions. I got on, slid down, got a concussion, landed unconscious, was pulled out by a nurse who took me to the little room and asked me questions I couldn’t answer (Swiss German). He was sure I had a brain injury, friends came looking for me, explained I didn’t speak German which, to the nurse was worse than a brain injury. That Dr. Seuss book? “O the Places You Will Go” doesn’t tell the half of it…

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Same here. My then young son wanted his friends invited to a waterpark, which I reluctantly agreed to do. On MY one and only ‘trip’ down a waterpipe I collided with another person at the disgorging end. That young man violated the ‘red light’ and I not only nearly drowned but had concussions everywhere and a spinal ‘tweak’ I carry with me ever since. These days this incident would go to a court but then I was just so worried about my charge of excited boys. Still don’t know how we made it home and how I got through that day with birthday celebrations, food and cake before I could get myself to the doctor! Mothers can do ANYTHING if needed, I guess.

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