a day late and a movie short.


  excited to see a new film

(one of my favorite things to do)

i arrived precisely

at the designated time and place

(with time to meet up, buy tickets, grab a ‘movie-buttered’ popcorn, chatter a bit, and find our seats)

only to discover

that i had organized it so that

we were precisely

24 hours late for the show.

p.s. i really do make every effort to be on time for things 

but this has also happened

with a holiday party i was really excited to attend

a few years back

 is this a pattern?  see below –

a day late and a trifle short.


“nothing, of course, begins at the time you think it did.”

lillian hellman

65 responses »

  1. Oh, goodness, I’m laughing because this day late for an event happened to us several years ago. We were a day late for a wedding reception. We rushed home from an out-of-town family reunion to make the informal reception at a farm. Problem was, the reception was the evening prior. Oops. The new bride and groom were very gracious and invited us to visit for awhile. We all laughed.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Made me grin! Didn’t happen (YET) to me but I just contacted a professional singer whose website I looked up as I was interested in one of the concerts to come. What did I see? None of the concerts to come but three ‘already done’ ones were noted (yesterday) with the dates November 5th and different places from where they took place during 2022. She was somewhat in a hurry too, it seemed. I’m sure to hear from her without delay….
    I am a huge movie going fan too. It’s just so different to view something as an ‘outing’ instead of just playing Couch potato and watching on the iPad or computer…. (We don’t have TV). So, I am sorry for your missed film-outing…. But I’m also laughing at your failed control of times and dates.

    Liked by 1 person

    • oh, yes, she needs to catch up a bit, but who am I to judge?) we had such a good laugh, and you hit the nail on the head exactly, it’s the experience at the theater that makes the difference

      Liked by 1 person

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