Tag Archives: variety is the sugar of life

variety is the sugar of life.


these were one of the greatest food creations of my childhood

with the introduction of the mini-box variety packs

came great excitement

along with

new reasons to battle with siblings

how to divide the number of boxes evenly

who gets to pick first

did i open it correctly on the perforated lines 

kellogs, general mills, or post packs

who gets stuck with

the ‘old boring people’s cereal boxes’

 such unparalleled joy

sprung from eating it right out of the side of the box

pouring your milk on this sugary delight

turning it into a personal bowl

i thought i could never be happier.


“do you know what breakfast cereal is made of?

it’s made of all those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners!”

-roald dahl