until we meet again.


outback13-dash6 (1)

after a year

of owning

my car

and driving it

multiple times

most every day

i suddenly noticed


that it was

saying goodbye

to me

as i pulled into the garage

gathered my things


got ready to leave.

my message was

just a little colorful note

left on my dash

placed there

by the subaru’s

electronic heart


for some reason

i sighed



said goodbye back.

and now that i’ve seen it

i’m sure

we’ll be saying goodbye

each and every day

for many, many more years to come.

it’s time to say goodbye,

but I think goodbyes are sad and

i’d much rather say hello.

hello to a new adventure.

– ernie harwell

54 responses »

  1. I’m glad you share my habit of forming a close and meaningful relationships with mechanical or electrically powered objects. I don’t currently have a car, but I can tell you I’m pretty bonded with my toaster with whom I hold earnest if one-sided conversations almost every morning

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I see a long friendship coming…
    My old car was saved from the car crusher after its rear was crashed by a drunk driver.
    I don’t regret my decision of having it repaired, I know sometimes it lets me down – what are mechanics for? – but I hope to keep it a few years more – our separation… I just can’t talk about it right now… 😀

    Give and take, your car deserves it! Have a great weekend together! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My ancient cellphone says goodbye to me whenever I turn the power off to it… which is cute because the word is in a talk bubble being said by the little orange Cingular man who himself said goodbye to the world about 8 years ago….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good relationships with cars are hard to find … So many of them have control issues. ‘Sounds like yours is a bit sad when the end of the day comes. You know, Beth, what you could do … is makes some audio of you reading a few of your blog posts … and play them (on a timer) in your car’s front seat, overnight, while your sleeping. Might be a coping skill for your car’s depressive symptoms. (HA!).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I only ever had an emotional attachment to one car in my life. I drove that car until she didn’t have anything more to give me. And I was sad to see her go to someone with mechanical know-how, someone who could tease a bit more life out of her than I could. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

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