

“turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.”

~maori proverb

happy groundhog day


may your face find the sun.

image credit: angel sarkela-saur

49 responses »

  1. No groundhogs in Australia. I love the idea of a day to start thinking about warm weather on its way. February here in Victoria can often be the hottest month – and bush fires can be a threat.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Sailor’s Barometer, Parking and A Maori Proverb | mybeautfulthings

  3. Pingback: My Picks Of The Week 2017 – #5 | A Momma's View

  4. It’s late to be celebrating groundhog day, but I’m so glad I’m finally able to take the time to catch up on blogs I haven’t been able to read for the past few days.

    The Maori proverb you shared is a PERFECT reminder today. Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

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