

olive the cat, not the oil

almost works up a sweat

during her usual workout routine.

at her recent annual vet visit 

 after weighing her in at 9.6 pounds,

they determined that she was overweight

and assigned her a ‘goal weight’ of 8 pounds.

the first suggestion was to up her physical efforts

(which currently include an all-indoor circuit training routine

of slowly moving from couch to bed to rugs and back

with an occasional look out the window

a saunter up the 8 stairs

or taking a few steps into the kitchen to eat),

other suggestions were to 

give her healthier food

take away her bowl

(I’m half Italian, I worry if her bowl gets low)

and put her new healthy food

in something she has to work to get to.

with her round figure

set atop lilliputian legs

that will never get any taller

she does resemble a bit of a child’s-hand-sized furry bowling ball

and luckily she has a year to lose her 1.6 pounds

but timing is everything

and as luck would have it

she recently received the gift of

her very own cat advent calendar

filled with little kitty treats ‘n things

set to kick off tomorrow 

and this might be a long year

for the both of us. 

“i do not oppose form, but only form as a goal.”

-ludwig mies van der rohe

60 responses »

  1. Just read an article; dog years = 15 (first year)+9 (second year)+5 (years 3 through now). This means our dogboy is 84; he still acts the puppy sometimes. Our last cat (Rama) lived to be 20 (human years). A big part of keeping pets healthy is keeping them happy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cute kitty! We’ve just moved to Canada and brought our cat Takeshi with us. He lost nearly a kilo in weight while staying in a cattery, so we’re actually trying to fatten him up. Anyway, good luck with the kitty diet 🐈

    Liked by 1 person

    • she was a rescue, living in a caboose, only 6 pounds and they said she’d never grow, so I was happy that she bulked up a bit. they were right about her tiny legs, but her body has definitely responded to regular feeding and care.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The Hill’s diet should help, maybe get her down to her goal weight without any other major changes. Get a laser pointer. All our cats (and there have been a few), regardless of age, size or weight, have gone crazy chasing the red dot. Personally, I wouldn’t worry about it: if she’s happy and not struggling to do her “circuit training,” if she takes off some weight, I’d go with it.

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  4. The laser might be an idea for some exercise, Beth.
    When my cats were 9 years old, just before we moved to Spain, we visited the vet for vaccinations and passports. In same time my big cat was weighed, he weight about 24 pounds, now at 16+ years he weighs about 7. By age and health related things, they go down in weight natural too. Back then he was a very active cat, both indoor and outdoor.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. she is absolutely beautiful! I saw that you stated that she was a rescue. I also have a two rescue cats and one of them won’t stop eating or sleeping and I was told that some rescues are scared to not have food so they eat as much as they can! 🙂

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  6. godalmighty, I do love this! my baby girl constant kitty companion died two weeks ago and is ever on my shoulder as far as I can tell..and she smiled and liked it also! thanks, beth!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow, Biskit is pretty small (for a male cat, anyway)… and he weighs nine pounds and is a skinny as a rail. I worry he doesn’t eat ENOUGH! Down to 8 pounds…. ouch! I can’t fathom 9 pounds being overweight for an adult cat…

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