Tag Archives: blog

push the button.


i had one job.

push the button

so the blog will post

just noticed now

13-14 hours later

so here it is

i pushed the button.



“you push the button, we’ll do the rest.”

-*george eastman

*George Eastman was an American entrepreneur who founded the Eastman Kodak Company

and helped to bring the photographic use of roll film into the mainstream.

“even if not one person read my blog, i’d still write it every day.” -seth godin


(a happy note from WP yesterday)

Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com!

You registered on WordPress.com 11 years ago.

Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.

 thanks to all who have taken this flight with me

11 years in the blink of an eye

faster than the speed of write. 

“even at eleven, he had observed that things turned out right a ridiculous amount of time.”

-stephen king





with my tiny home

loaded up

with bushels of nuts and piles of books

ready for the coming season

you’ll often find me sitting

in the quiet of the early morning

with a steaming cup of coffee

tapping away at my blog

telling the day’s story

reading others’ stories

smiling by the light of the screen.

“i blog because i’m not a good rapper.”

-gerry l’crow

inside edition.


side eye and some intense discussion going on at a recent meeting

as co-editors in chief olive and yeti make the tough calls.

insider exclusive – behind the scenes backstory of ididnthavemyglasson.wordpress.com:

before each and every time i post a blog

i am subjected to the scrutiny of my photo editorial board

who can be

exacting and my most challenging critics


supportive and my most passionate champions

 often made to defend my choices

i am never sure how it will go.

“they can’t censor the gleam in my eye.”

charles laughton



(not me, but if i was a bearded male,

with a cup of espresso, a croissant, and a typewriter instead of a laptop,

this could have been me,

so – very similar to my situation with a few tweaks. )

late last night (probably around 9 or so)

soon to fall asleep

at the comforting lake house of my friends

about to write and post my blog for the morning

a couple of friends

saw that i was still slightly awake

so why not sit down

 have great chat for a couple of hours

 when i finally closed my eyes while talking

we decided to call it a night

so just a few more minutes typing away

to tuck tomorrow’s post in for the night

and when i woke up it was morning and my fingers had fallen off of my laptop and my laptop had fallen on the floor and a fellow blogger reached out to ask if i was okay as there was no post so i quickly set up the post i had meant to finish the night before and balance was restored.

“if you want to talk about someone falling asleep,

whether in their bed, in a car, at a desk, while reading a blog post about french grammar,

you would use s’endormir.”


writing out loud.


(not me, but we could easily pass as sisters)

for some reason

after almost 8 years of blogging

and never questioning it

I only recently discovered

what the word ‘blog’ actually means. 

Blog is another word for weblog.

A weblog is a website that is like a diary or journal. …

Bloggers often write about their opinions and thoughts.

A blog containing video material is called a video blog or video log,

usually shortened to vlog.

“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.” For most of human history, all published writing had been carefully inspected, edited, and approved. In the last decade, blogging has turned the publishing world on its head. A blog allows you to write and publish anything, from anywhere, and have it be immediately available to billions of people all around the world.”  -Andrew Sullivan, the Atlantic

. I, for one, am happy to embrace the chaos and vitality.


‘life is a collage of events, really.’ – mohanlal


for those of you who’ve followed, read, or commented on my posts over the years

 I’ve finally put my finger on my ‘writing style’

it’s collage

and no surprise to anyone who knows me outside of the blogging world

it goes along with the creative outlets I’ve always enjoyed

making cards, books, and art

using pieces of things I’ve found, read, and collected in the world

it’s simply a matter of combining

images, thoughts, prose, quotes, poetry, music, and ideas

that generally don’t begin together

but once gathered

looked at in new ways

rearranged mixed and shuffled

like a puzzle with no absolute solution

suddenly seeming to belong together

to bring new meaning

when combined into a whole

my blog is the same

but the difference is

 rather than being made of anything concrete

 it’s abstract

it’s a mix of electronic media

 it can vanish into the ethernet at any time.

like all of life

it’s about making connections.

and having lived a while

I suppose I am a bit of a collage myself.


 “every art I do is a collage.”





years ago today 

I published my first blog post

thank you to all

who have made the time

to stop by for a visit

and sit for a moment.


“all human actions have one or more of these seven causes:

chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire.”






painting by: bruce nutting – seven birds of blue



what began as post #1 in may of 2012

has led to post #2001 today.

thank you to all who

view, read, comment, chat, post, and share.

i appreciate each and every one of you

even in those far away countries

where i may have only 1 loyal reader

you have all offered me

great support

much food for thought


and most of all

wonderful human connections.

 here’s to the next 2001.

“i think statistics go in one ear and out the other.

all of us respond to stories more than numbers.”

-koren zailckas




image credit: metro goldwyn mayer, media.com