Tag Archives: company

i am visited enough.


 there’s a phrase in german (regional,) meaning “i am feeling visited enough”

that you can say when you want company to go, and this is brilliant.

it’s “ich fühle mich jetzt genug besucht.” 

use as needed.



credits: united humanists, warner brothers pictures photo



not sure this is the best brand name and marketing plan

or that there was a focus group….



“these were such friendly people, they didn’t notice how crabby we were, and before you knew it everyone was as happy as they were.”

-nora raleigh baskin

bo knows good company.



1970s vintage plaid with a few of my favorites:

 Glen Campbell, Johnny Orr, Gerald Ford, Bo Schembechler, Cy Laughter

in honor of the big game tomorrow

this one’s for you, coach bo

go blue.

‘the key is to keep company only with people who uplift you,

whose presence calls forth your best.”


image credit: ann arbor townies, leslie orr