Tag Archives: dolls


Baby doll head and limbs attached to a mechanical body. The doll appeared to be crawling. There is a piece of brown paper tied to it with patent information.
Creep into the Halloween weekend with this patent model from the Smithsonian National Museum of History.
It’s George Pemberton Clarke’s 1871 “Natural Creeping Baby Doll.”
The original patent office tag is still attached with red tape.
“Well, that’s just all kinds of creepy,” Puck muttered at my side, giving the doll a look of alarm.
“If you see any clowns, do me a favor and don’t point them out, okay? i’d rather live without the nightmares.”
Julie Kagawa
Smithsonian National Museum of American History



I was 6 years old and so excited to finally get my chatty-cathy

a doll with a string in the back

that you could pull and she would talk

(18 phrases at random)

‘please take me with you’

‘may I have a cookie?’

‘I love you.’

she was a wonderful doll

 we were happy together


I came home one day

and noticed to my horror

that my oldest sister

had given her a haircut

(picture a choppy hacked pixie cut with stringy bits)

I did not have a good reaction to it

I exploded in tears

very dramatically

sobbing and instantly tattling on her

 chatty’s hair never grew back

and one day she was gone.

(the doll, not my sister)

after all these years

I still bring it up

to my sister

every so often

 she always tells me 

she had no idea

 I would have such a strong reaction

she was just trying to give her a fancy hair style

and while I have long-ago forgiven her

I still have no idea

what chatty may have said to her during the haircut.

“a beloved doll’s voice speaks directly to your soul

in a way that cannot be explained in words.” 

-gayle wray


p.s. I am not a fan of dolls as an adult, they kind of terrify me, especially talking ones.


image credit: Mattel Toys



so creepy unpacking from the family trip
and finding this giant scary baby surprise
in my suitcase.
could have been most anyone
there’s more than one suspect in the group
with this sense of humor.
once narrowed down
it was clear that she may soon
be making a surprise appearance
somewhere else
I’m just saying…
thanks, family!
“I tend to scare myself”
– stephen king

not the same old song.


as i came upon this window

all i could think of

was that i don’t know what i would do

if he suddenly broke into song as i walked by.


“she’s a hypnotist collector; you are a walking antique.”

-bob dylan






antelope antiques, ann arbor, mi usa – fall 2018

unhappy meal?




took grandie j to get a kiddie meal


it came in this creepy bag.

it seemed an odd choice

for young children.

how many kids are terrified of this?

or their grandmothers? 

i really did try to cover up my fear. )

“where the fear is, happiness is not.”

– seneca (4 BC-65) roman philosopher and playwright.