Tag Archives: gathering

on thanksgiving day.


“i would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”

-gilbert k. chesterton



art credit: karen davis, by frost and candlelight

getting ready.


as we prepare to gather together in a few days

often with all kinds of people

 often anticipating how it will go

 often happily surprised. 


“it’s never the differences between people that surprise us.

it’s the things, that against all odds, we have in common.”

-jodi picoult





photo credit: muppets.disney.com


more alive.


awaiting tomorrow’s gathering.


“this is the power of gathering

it inspires us – delightfully

to be more hopeful, more joyful, more thoughtful

in a word, more alive.”

-alice waters




art credit: Debbie and Mike Schramer, using treasures they gathered from the forest.