Tag Archives: mischief



today, someone decided

to quietly dump every single puzzle out onto the floor

mix the pieces together

then head up to the loft to play.

it was left in a perfect state of tobubohu

but somehow i couldn’t think of that word

at the moment of discovery

 tomorrow we will work on it together

and with it will come a new word.


part of speech: noun

origin: hebrew, unknown

1. a state of chaos, utter confusion

examples in a sentence:

“The mayor’s unexpected announcement left the press in a tohubohu.”

“After recess the students were always in a tohubohu.”

anyone else ever achieve this perfect state?

where hobbies, hijinks, and capers go bad = my childhood #6


(not my actual sale, this one is 70 miles long, but you get the feel of it)

there was that time

when i decided the best way to earn some quick cash

was to have a yard sale.

so i dragged our lemonade stand table out into the front yard

threw a plastic tablecloth over it

made a sign

covered it with stuff to sell

opened for business

let the cash flow begin!

 a couple of friends and their sibs

stopped by on bikes

to check it out

i quickly made 57 cents

things were humming along at a nice pace

the venture was looking promising

i thought i’d do this each weekend

maybe hire an assistant

deciding what i’d do with all the cash


my sister came marching out of the house

to see what was going on

 realized that i was selling her stuff

my mom soon followed

and that business closed pretty quickly.

“three dollars and it only transports matter?!”

(at professor frink’s yard sale – homer simpson)

fictional character from the animated tv series created by matt groening, the simpsons




image credit: cbc.ca



squirreled away.



squirrels stash 50 pounds of pine cones under car hood in northern michigan

A pair of Michigan residents couldn’t believe their eyes when they opened the hood of a car to reveal more than 50 pounds of pine cones that had been stored by an unknown culprit, presumably one with four legs and a bushy tail.

Gaylord resident Kellen Moore arrived at the Iron Pig Smokehouse for work with a shocked look on his face. Noticing his odd expression, Gabe Awrey, a friend and manager at the restaurant, asked what was up.

“Being the good friends that we are, he asked me if I had received some snapchat videos that he had just sent me,” Awrey said. “They didn’t come through, so he pulled up the video on his phone. I was instantly in disbelief, saying something along the lines of ‘When was this? A few weeks ago?'”

Moore had previously found the pine cones when he checked under the hood because his air conditioning was making an odd noise when he turned it on. The phone video wasn’t enough for Awrey, though. He had to see it in person.

Together, the friends walked to the parking lot where Moore’s recently-purchased Dodge Journey was parked, opened the hood and discovered the engine bay packed with pine cones. It took them about 45 minutes to clear out the debris.

“Heat from the engine also made them expand, so some were harder than others,” Awrey said. “He bought this car used about a month and a half ago and there were none then.” They both agree that squirrels are responsible for the stockpile.

“This stuff happens a lot up here,” Awrey said. “It happens to everyone eventually. But not on this scale. At the worst you find some acorns in your air filter or what not. Everyone who has seen this can’t believe it. It’s the perfect set up for a squirrel though. Nice and insulated, lots of food with the pine cones. Pretty practical until your nest drives away.”

“the squirrel in my yard really knows his way around the neighborhood.”

-bob saget


credits: mlive.com, gabe awrey



when in doubt, hope for the best.



we went to

one of my grandie’s soccer games

his day to bring the snack

a variety pack

filled with all things crunchy and wonderful

he was really excited to share the treats

but worried

that his favorites would all be gone

i told him that it was important to offer them all

and then to eat whatever was left


he might be able to up the odds a little bit

by putting his favorites at the bottom of the box

that way he was more likely to have them left over

and he didn’t have to feel bad

because he had offered all of them to his team

if he was meant to have them

they would still be there

if not

it was nice of him to have shared them

i watched as he thought it over


carefully put his ‘puffy cheetos’ on the bottom.

after the game he shared the snacks

and was delighted to see

that amazingly

his favorites were still there.

my daughter said that this was probably

the advice he would remember most from me

not to be kind, to be fair, or to take turns

but rather,

to put your favorites in the bottom of the box,

offer them to your friends

cross your fingers


hope for the best.

nothing wrong with hoping for the best.


grandparents are there to help the child get into mischief

they haven’t thought of yet.

~ gene perret





i’ve found myself

in an

ongoing battle of the wits

with the squirrels

who come to play in my yard

squirrel-crochet-pattern-by-squirrel-picnic (1)

and who

have recently


their games of




up a notch


rearranging the candles

IMG_0878 (1)

messing up the table

eating buds from

the bright green gardenia plant

just as it’s about to bloom

tearing down and making off

with the tiny flags


leaving nothing but

 a trail of snacks behind


i picture them holding secret meetings

inside the knothole

of the big tree out front

assigning jobs

creating new strategies



in their native squirrel language


how to

step up their game


i am

losing the battle




going to

 try to make friends with them


go undercover.

‘right now, we’re just trying to

beat the squirrels to the pine nuts.’

– arlene ward


image credits: squirrelpicnic.com, rabbitwhiskers.com, littlenummies.net, those darn squirrels



when children are doing nothing, they are doing mischief. – henry fielding


kangaroo sanctuaryalice springs

one thing about a guilty conscience…it tells on itself EVERY TIME.

– author unknown

image credit: kangaroo rescue sanctuary – alice springs, australia

“now let it work. mischief, thou art afoot. take thou what course thou wilt.” ― william shakespeare



someone stopped by

for a bit of mischief

fairy dust



glitter paint

not a clue

who could have done this



these three

baby r, baby v, nacho the cat

all had gone inside

the cottage


minutes before

i wonder

if they saw anyone


know anything

“they were becoming like a little mafia. if one committed a mischief, the others would not tell.”
– franco diligenti

double trouble



baby j – i knew i had seen this guy somewhere before –


i’m officially on spring break for 16 days and i get to play with the babies today while mom and dad run

the st. pat’s day race.

when we get together, we have energy to burn and we’ll be running our own race,

at least a marathon, all inside the house, i’m quite sure of it.

we’ve got mischief to make.

run, family, run.

Aye, I’m tellin’ ye, happiness is one of the few things in this world that doubles every time you share it with someone else.

Harry Lauder