Tag Archives: growth



everything is growing and changing

all in their own time

each in their own way

we watch and care for them

soon they will all be something new.

“and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” 

Anais Nin




as we watched 

the big kids perform

‘a christmas carol’

the kinder 

kept whispering

and asking 

‘why is that man so mean?’

‘why is he so crabby?’ 

‘how can he be that mean?’

I told them that later in the play

mr. scrooge’s heart will grow

and he will learn to be nice 

just like what happened to the grinch

 it made my own heart grow

 to think about

their innocence 

their naturally kind and compassionate state of being

how they could not even begin to imagine

why someone would choose to be mean.

‘i think being nice is more important than being clever.’

-ricky gervais


open doors.


one kinder opens the door for another after making sure it is safe for him to go

the bittersweet feelings of being part of our multi-age class

most of the children don’t see themselves as being

different ages or stages

and may not yet see

that some will be moving on

to the higher grades

where they will have the chance to grow

in ways they have yet to imagine

and some will stay with us

for one more year

where they will have the chance

to be the leaders and teachers

to the new little ones joining our class

what we all know without any doubt

is that we are one

 we will always keep an open door for all of them

to safely come and go as they need

and as some leave and as some stay

our journeys continue another day.

“if I look back when I begin to leave, will they remember me?” 

― adam young, owl city

stalks gone wild.


it seems that the bean stalks

in our classroom

have gone a bit wild

very quickly


we are on the lookout for giants.

“well, first of all,” said the bfg,

“human beans is not really believing in giants, is they?

human beans is not thinking we exist.”

  • -roald dahl – “the bfg”